Hix - Open-Ended ToyFor Today's ToyReviewTuesday we have an open-ended toy from MOLUK called hix. The set consists of four bright coloured silicone cones and each cone can be transformed into 4 different shapes. This is a very simple toy that stimulates my boys creativity and imagination. There are countless different ways to play with hix: like a boat in the bath, like a hat at the beach or just building a tower like Max here. Get your set here http://geni.us/hixtoy #TheDadLab #Moluk *** This is not an ad. I choose toys myself, reach out to companies that provide them for free. Only if I am 100% happy with the toy, I recommend it to you
Posted by TheDadLab on Tuesday, 11 July 2017
My 7 year old is completely in love with Hix, a modular toy by @Moluk: https://t.co/nUlheHtusF pic.twitter.com/5VQw60eY7i
— Tina Roth Eisenberg (@swissmiss) 22. Mai 2017
Looking for a fun toy for your little one? Please meet oogi: http://t.co/GYIsEyjFuy
— Tina Roth Eisenberg (@swissmiss) 4. September 2014
MOLUK Launches Family of Baby Toys english / deutsch
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Boi & Oogifant (PDF english) Boi & Oogifant (PDF deutsch)
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